Prism 2.2 Release available. Get it at Codeplex.

As you might already read in Bob's blog (if you haven't I recommend you to add him to your RSS), Prism 2.2 has been released. As I explained in my previous post, this is an intermediate version until Prism 4.0 gets here and is mainly oriented to allow development in Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight 4, without the need of a manual migration from your side.

imageExcept from the project linker, which will be available soon in Visual Studio Gallery, all the features that were there for 2.1 version are back. So, if you plan to develop composite applications for WPF, Silverlight or both, using VS 2010, go and get it now.

Note: If you can't wait to get your projects linked, you can download the ProjectLinker source from here and create a .vsix installer for it (which is much simpler to do than .msi).

As always, if you have any questions about the release, you can ask them in the Codeplex forum.