Prism 2.1 (Composite Application Guidance for WPF & Silverlight 3) just released (updated version for Silverlight 3)

The patterns & practices team has just released Prism-v2.1, an updated version of the Composite Application Guidance for WPF & Silverlight, which has some breaking changes, mostly related to Silverlight 3 (from the "New in this release" article):


  • All Visual Studio projects (Composite Application Library, reference implementation, and Quickstarts) were migrated to use Silverlight 3.
  • TabRegionControlAdapter was modified to support binding in the TabItem's control header in Silverlight 3.
  • CreateXap.bat file was modified to search for Silverlight 3 assemblies if the Silverlight 2 reference assemblies cannot be found.
  • Implemented the WeakEvent Pattern for the DelegateCommand's and CompositeComand's (more on this below).

If you were using Prism 2.0, either for WPF or Silverlight development, I would recommend you to start using this new version, as there is also an implementation "of the WeakEvent Pattern for the DelegateCommand's and CompositeComand's CanExecuteChanged event to fix a possible memory leak in the applications using the Composite Application Library commands".

You can download the latest version of the guidance from here.

Kudos to the Prism team!!!