Prism-v2 Reference Implementation migrated to Silverlight 3 Official Release with Out-Of-Browser Capabilities

A couple of months ago I migrated the Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight (Prism-v2) Reference Implementation to Silverlight 3 Beta version and added Out-of-Browser functionality to it. You can read all about that here.

Today I updated the same application but for the latest Silverlight 3 release. The main difference is the update to the Out of Browser settings. While before you had to add some configuration to your AppManifest file, now you can just click the properties of your Silverlight project and check the Enable running application out of the browser option. Then you can modify the settings. (You can read about that and other updates in the release version in Tim Heuer's post), so I did...

Out of Browser Settings

This will automatically generate an OutOfBrowserSettings.xml file. After that quick update I was able to run the application out of the browser:
Running OOB RI

Source Code


This code is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


You can get source code here: Prismv2 SL3 RI with

More info

The following are some other posts related to Prism and Silverlight 3:

I hope this update is useful for you :)