Putting Prism-v2 extensibility to test (Part II). The Composite.Commands.Wpf assembly

In the first post of this series I blogged about how to extract the event aggregator into a single Silverlight assembly. This was useful because it reduced the size of an application that only used the Event Aggregator from the CAL's latest release.

Today, with Matias Bonaventura, we put Prism's extensibility to test again (greatly in part to Ezequiel Jadib's motivation) by extracting WPF commanding from the Composite Application Library for WPF & Silverlight. I built the assembly and tested it in the WPF commanding quickstart. Prism's extensibility stepped up to the challenge one more time.

As I did last time I will provide a snapshot using .Net Reflector, so you have a fast way to learn what the assembly contains. (Clicking the picture will provide a better look)

Composite.Commands.Wpf Assembly

You can check out other posts in this series:

Standalone Silverlight Evevnt Aggregator Binaries

This assembly is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


You can get the assembly here:Composite.Commands.Wpf.